Hyrathon | For Students


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For Students

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Internship Opportunities

  • Float a CampusDrive screening Test
  • 1000s of students of participating insitiutes to appear for the screening tests
  • Deserving candidates to be interviewes and offered job positions.

Continuous Practice Platform

  • Create Job Positions, Challanges, eDrives and attach an Assessment Test
  • Social Media Interface to enhance hiring efforts
  • Code Interview for screened candidates
  • Integrated Feedback mechanism

Access to Industry Forums

  • Continuous Skill upgradation Program
  • Float, Montly challanges for Team and quarterly mega chalanges
  • Can be customized for Projects, Programs, Accounts and BUs
  • Can be used for skill mapping as well

Why Hyrathon?

Hyrathon Offers you pathway to fast growing tech companies and start-ups in leading IT Hubs of India in a hassle-free manner. With Hyrathon, you can take practise challenges to hone your skills and get yourself ready for your Dream Job. We constantly float new Campus Drives based on our client requirements, and update you with any new opportunity that matches your skill-set. Hyrathon is a market leader in understanding Technology Requirements in the market and maps the jobs to aspiring freshers.

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Benefits to

Access to Campus Drives / Featuring jobs from major IT hubs

Weekly Tests enable practice programming

Challenges to showcase your skills

Choose from 5000+ Questions, 500+ Tests.

Internship Opportunities

The tool will use automatic Assessment. Loads of efforts of manual Assessment is saved.

Assessments across technology skills

Select Clients will have a continuous watch on the candidates and their performance. They based on performance, they might get placed before the course gets over.

Platform for Continuous Learning

Can organize expert from the industry sessions. Subject to availability of experts.

Access to Industry Forums

One stop Shop, Batch Management, Compilers integrated. Report Generation etc.

Outdoor Adventures
Vintage Studio